Ad of the Day: Lovehoney challenges censorship by replacing toys with everyday objects
The sex toy brand always finds creative ways around restrictions and its out-of-the-box thinking earns it today’s top spot.

Lovehoney's latest ad campaign / Lovehoney
When it comes to advertising its products, Lovehoney has always had to be a little bit more original. Due to limitations on what products it can show and when, the sex toy brand is now using everyday items to get its message out there.
In a hilarious twist, the ‘Not a Sex Toy’ campaign features a cucumber, a washing machine and even a toothbrush as makeshift toys. In fact, the brand even asked the British public for their input, which adds another layer of authenticity.
On the surface, this campaign is bold and comical with its tongue-in-cheek copy, but there is a bigger message at play: the risks of stigmatizing sexual pleasure are massive. By injecting some humor into this important topic, Lovehoney is opening up a dialogue and encouraging conversations around sexual wellness, albeit in a lighthearted way.
What is clear is that the brand has an overarching mission to normalize the conversation around sexual wellness. It wants to bring sex toys into the mainstream with the hope of revolutionizing attitudes towards them – one cucumber at a time