Cancer Research UK invites nation to defeat cancer in unscripted pledge ads
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) has launched a campaign to incentivise people to leave a gift in their will that will help to cure cancer for future generations.

Cancer Research 'Gifts in Will'
The 'Gifts in Wills' initiative funds over a third of the charity's pioneering work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer - totalling £182m last year alone. Created by Atomic London - its first legacy campaign since 2016 - the ad invites the nation to make a pledge to beat cancer.
Featuring real CRUK legacy supporters, researchers and survivors, the film shows what can be achieved when scientists and supporters come together as a collective force. To encourage viewers to personally connect, each figure talks directly to the camera, as they state their pledge on beating cancer. The campaign will roll out across TV, press, digital, social and out-of-home.
Head of legacy supporter engagement at CRUK, Claire Pilcher, commented: "The advert features real people who are making an invaluable contribution to the cause.
“They are completely unscripted, and the words used in the adverts are their own.
We hope to show through this that leaving a gift in your Will to Cancer Research UK is a powerful legacy that we can all leave, that will benefit every generation to come.”
Guy Bradbury, creative partner at Atomic London, added: “Many of us are affected by cancer in some way and what we wanted to create with this campaign was a truly authentic and rousing campaign. Showing the incredible people who have the steadfast determination and resolve to beat cancer for future generations. Inspiring us all to leave a gift in our Will to Cancer Research UK."
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