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Ishbel Macleod
PR and social media consultant
Bodyform's new ad – about bloody time?
The Drum Network
Journalism, churnalism or just #bants - the rise of lad publishers
Infographic: Digital and social media habits of a Champions League fan
Deezer names Hans-Holger Albrecht as chief executive
Infographic: 76% use social media for holiday gift discovery
Johnnie Walker leaves BBH after 15 years as it names Anomaly as global creative agency to handle...
Tesco Mobile creates last minute GIF shop for Christmas
Christmas Day and Boxing Day expected to pull in over 300m retail site visits
Hootsuite unveils 40 minute holiday video of an owl in front of a fire
Gatwick Airport appoints Grayling ahead of multi-billion investment programme
Online food shopping up 100% as traditional weekly shop nose-dives
TripAdvisor extends ‘don’t just visit’ campaign with TV ads
Mars names MediaCom as global media planning agency for $2.1bn account
Ogilvy Australia appoints Ben Kidney as head of digital
Old Speckled Hen to release its own Christmas Speech on Christmas Day
Infographic: How do cross-device Christmas shoppers spend their time?
Unilever names KBS Toronto as agency of record for refreshment brands
Brandwatch acquires PeerIndex to extend social data insights
Tesla Motors, Google and Amazon the most vibrant brands in the US, finds Added Value
Tumblr reveals most shared sponsored posts of 2014: AT&T, Axe, IBM and more
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