ZenAuto updated the Green Cross Code to account for EVs, it reached 4,000 schools
ZenAuto and Kindred have won the Automotive category at The Drum Awards for PR. Here is the award-winning case study.

Check out the award-winning campaign
The UK is on its way to a zero emissions future, yet media conversation remains dominated by negativity around cost, infrastructure and range anxiety. ZenAuto wanted to change the narrative and engage families to support the switch to electric. We created the Green Car Cross Code (GCCC) – an updated set of road safety guidelines to prepare kids for the EV era, developed with the support of road safety charity, Brake. The campaign secured widespread coverage, increased understanding and confidence around EVs and delivered safety messaging to 4,000+ educators. Best of all, the Department for Transport called and is interested in using the Green Car Cross Code too.
Objectives: With ZenAuto still a new player in leasing market, the ask was to create an awareness and education campaign that would build the brand’s profile and inspire confidence in EVs. Objectives were three-fold:
Generate awareness for ZenAuto in high-profile media outlets: Core KPIs: Quantity and quality of our media outputs (with a focus on tabloid nationals and coverage that could carry backlinks).
Counteract the negative media narrative to increase confidence in EVs: Core KPIs: increase understanding and confidence in EVs and a willingness to choose an electric or hybrid vehicle, with a focus on families.
Drive distinctiveness for ZenAuto as a responsible brand supporting Britain’s transition to EVs: Core KPIs: Deliver meaningful campaign engagements that will spark a positive reaction towards EVs. Build relevant stakeholder contacts and profile, positioning ZenAuto as an expert in the EV space.
Strategy: Upskilling the next generation to pave the way for more EVs on our roads. Road safety campaigns date back to the 1940s, with children’s safety often at the heart of the messaging. While these campaigns have seen developments over the years, our analysis of them highlighted that the impact of EVs was yet to be fully acknowledged or addressed. Identifying this genuine gap in road safety knowledge highlighted the need for a ‘community solution’, that would be developed in partnership with road safety experts and designed to engage a key audience for ZenAuto; parents with young children.
The Idea: The Green Car Cross Code: an update for one of the nation's most loved PSAs. We developed a new set of road safety guidelines for children, supported by leading road safety charity Brake. Together we created video tutorials, factsheets and quizzes designed to give kids and parents the confidence to cross EV-era roads. The GCCC was spearheaded by presenter, sustainability advocate and parent Konnie Huq, who featured in the teaching materials and lent her voice to the campaign calling for additional guidance for parents and children to help them be more vigilant on UK roads.
Creativity and originality:
Reimagining a well-known road safety property presented a clear solution to the problem identified, one that had the best chance of resonating quickly with educators, stakeholders and parents, and then reaching the children in their care.
The fresh and modern look and feel was designed with engaging families in mind and bringing well-known guidelines firmly into the EV-era.
Method Deployed: Development: We partnered with road safety charity Brake to make sure the GCCC guidelines would have the same rigour and weight as the Green Cross Code itself. The support of Brake gave us access to the UK’s leading road safety experts and their network of schools and educators. It allowed us to identify the modern road safety issues pedestrians may not consider, addressing them in meaningful ways that would genuinely make kids safer. The resulting assets, designed with engaging families in mind and bringing well-known guidelines firmly into the EV-era, included the GCCC video and step-by-step guide, a lesson plan for educators, a bingo chart and ‘Guess the sound’ quiz as well as a GCCC certificate. A GCCC hub on the ZenAuto website hosted the downloadable assets and drove awareness amongst new and existing customers.
Launch: Using the hook of International Walk to School month, we launched the GCCC with research revealing the gaps in children’s road safety knowledge, specifically their limited knowledge of the difference between EVs and their petrol equivalents. The findings showed that 27% of children didn’t know EVs are quieter, and 30% didn’t realise they can accelerate faster. Interviews with Konnie and our road safety experts were secured with national and broadcast media to call for changes to existing road safety guidelines to prepare for a new electric era.
Stakeholder engagement: Letters and GCCC assets were sent to MPs who have championed road safety issues and awareness in Parliament ahead of International Walk to School month.
Results: The campaign delivered extensive national coverage with direct links to the ZenAuto site, reached 4,000 schools and increased understanding of EVs and the willingness to switch. Best of all? The Department of Transport got in touch. They’re interested in using the Green Car Cross Code too.
Relation to objectives, brief and cost-effectiveness:
Build profile for ZenAuto in high-profile media outlets:
108 pieces of coverage, hitting off the key tabloids inc. The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Daily Express plus The Independent, Metro, (700m total reach).
88% of coverage included backlinks to the ZenAuto website – a major win for a purely online business.
Views of EV website pages saw an uplift during the campaign period, peaking at a 22% YoY increase in week 4 (a positive sign for future sales conversions though the campaign was awareness and education).
Counteract the negative media narrative to increase confidence in EVs:
All coverage generated was positive, 90% highlighted the importance of addressing pedestrian safety and positioned ZenAuto’s GCCC as the solution.
Independent research by Opinium revealed that 38% of UK drivers have increased understanding and confidence in EVs as a result of the campaign.
Opinium research revealed that one in six UK drivers would choose a fully electric or hybrid electric vehicle as a result of our campaign.
Drive distinctiveness for ZenAuto as a responsible brand supporting Britain’s transition to EVs
The ZenAuto and Brake partnership meant that meaningful EV-centric road safety materials are now available where they weren’t before.
GCCC teacher packs were shared with 4,000+ UK schools and educators.
ZenAuto and GCCC now on the radar of UK Govt for their proactive work in this space, via new relationships with DfT and THINK! campaign representatives.